Census Bureau Prankster Changes Every Ohio Resident's Name to 'Laura', Causes Chaos and Confusion

In a bizarre incident, a Census Bureau employee has reportedly changed the name of every resident in Ohio to "Laura." The incident, which is being described as a prank, has caused confusion and chaos among Ohio residents.

According to reports, the employee responsible for the prank was "bored out of their mind" and spent hours editing the census records to make this change. The incident was discovered when Ohio residents received their census forms and noticed that their names had been changed to Laura.

The prank has caused a great deal of confusion and frustration among Ohio residents, many of whom are now struggling to prove their identity and access government services. The state's election officials have also expressed concern that the prank could disrupt the upcoming elections, as it will be difficult to verify the identity of voters with so many people sharing the same name.

The Census Bureau has condemned the prank and has launched an investigation to identify the employee responsibly. The agency has stated that changing census records in this way is a serious breach of protocol and could have legal consequences.

Ohio residents are being advised to check their census forms carefully and contact the Census Bureau if they notice any errors or discrepancies. It remains to be seen what action will be taken against the employee responsible for this prank, but it serves as a reminder that even seemingly harmless pranks can have serious consequences.

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