The Ultimate Laundry Guide: How Often Should You REALLY Be Washing Your Clothes?

Laundry is a necessary part of our daily lives, but have you ever wondered how often you should be washing your clothes? Washing your clothes too often can lead to unnecessary wear and tear, while not washing them enough can result in a buildup of bacteria and odors. In this article, we will discuss how often you REALLY need to wash your clothes, what to wash after every wear, what to wash every few wears, what you can wash less frequently, and how to keep clothes fresh between washes.

What To Wash After Every Wear

Certain items of clothing should be washed after every wear to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors. Underwear and socks, for example, should be washed after every wear to maintain good hygiene. Similarly, workout clothes and clothes worn during sweaty activities should also be washed after every wear. These clothes are more likely to develop bacteria and odors, which can be difficult to remove if left unwashed for too long.

Additionally, clothes that come into contact with bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, should be washed immediately. This is not only for hygiene reasons but also to prevent stains from setting into the fabric.

What To Wash Every Few Wears

Not all clothes need to be washed after every wear. Some items can be worn multiple times before needing to be washed. For example, jeans can be worn a few times before needing to be washed. In fact, washing jeans too often can cause them to fade and lose their shape. Similarly, jackets and coats can be worn several times before needing to be washed.

Other items that can be worn multiple times before needing to be washed include pajamas, bathrobes, and sweaters. These items are typically worn for short periods of time and are less likely to develop odors or bacteria.

What You Can Wash Less Frequently

Some items of clothing can be washed less frequently than others. For example, dress pants and skirts can typically be worn several times before needing to be washed. These items are typically worn for shorter periods of time and are less likely to develop odors or stains.

Similarly, clothes made from delicate fabrics, such as silk or cashmere, should be washed less frequently to avoid damaging the fabric. These fabrics are more delicate and can be damaged by frequent washing. Instead, these items should be spot cleaned as needed and only washed when absolutely necessary.

How To Keep Clothes Fresh Between Washes

There are a few things you can do to keep your clothes fresh between washes. First, make sure to air out your clothes after wearing them. Hang them up in a well-ventilated area and allow them to air out for a few hours before putting them away. This can help prevent odors from developing.

Additionally, using a fabric refresher spray can help keep your clothes smelling fresh between washes. These sprays are designed to neutralize odors and can be used on a variety of fabrics.


How often you need to wash your clothes depends on the item of clothing and how often it is worn. Certain items, such as underwear and workout clothes, should be washed after every wear to maintain good hygiene. Other items, such as jeans and jackets, can be worn several times before needing to be washed. Clothes made from delicate fabrics should be washed less frequently to avoid damage to the fabric. By following these guidelines and taking steps to keep your clothes fresh between washes, you can extend the life of your clothes and keep them looking and smelling their best.

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