China Abolishes Presidential Term Limits, Allowing Xi Jinping to Stay in Power Indefinitely

China's ruling Communist Party has abolished presidential term limits, allowing President Xi Jinping to potentially stay in power indefinitely. The move was approved by the National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, on Sunday.

The decision to end term limits for the presidency was widely expected, as the Communist Party had already signaled its intention to do so last year. The move effectively removes a key check on presidential power and has been criticized by human rights activists and some Western governments.

Xi Jinping, who took office in 2013, has consolidated power in China in recent years and has overseen a crackdown on dissent and civil society. The move to abolish term limits for the presidency is seen as part of his broader effort to further cement his grip on power and ensure that his policies continue after he leaves office.

Critics argue that removing term limits for the presidency undermines the rule of law and democratic norms, and could lead to greater authoritarianism in China. Supporters of the move argue that it will provide stability and continuity of leadership, and will allow Xi to continue his efforts to strengthen China's economy and global influence.

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